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Games to level up the tavern and its owners.



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Games that let you upgrade the tavern

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Wear & Tear

There’s always something to fix, or clean, or pay off.

We play this game every 3 mini games to level up the tavern

NPC Sidequest

Your adventuring days may be over, but there are plenty of people in town that could use your help.

Shields and Skillets

Enchantments are volatile things, especially when they sit unused for long periods of time. You have to let go of your old equipment before it’s too late.

Market Day

You never would have guessed how many things you need just to keep a tavern running.

Home Grown

There’s something special about using ingredients grown nearby. Why not give growing your own a try?

Shelter From the Storm

Early one morning, you feel it. A familiar ache in your bones. Something is coming.


Maybe supply routes are disrupted. Maybe you need a unique signature dish. They all lead to the same place: cooking with monster parts.

Romancing a Stranger

Someone in the tavern makes eye contact with you and their gaze lingers a little longer than you would expect.

Off the Clock

Where do you go after the tables are wiped down? What kind of stories do you share about the tavern’s worst patrons?

A Friendly Tavern Brawl

Every tavern has its rowdy patrons. They’re good at heart, but sometimes when the ale is flowing and spirits are high, things get out of hand.

Festival Day

Your town has a few festival days a year, and they’re some of your busiest. How do you prepare?

A Bard's Tale

During your time as an adventurer, you accomplished many daring deeds. In fact, some of those deeds are retold to this day by traveling bards.

Glass of the Gods

Sometimes a troubled adventurer comes in looking for answers at the bottom of a glass. Can you help them with more than just a drink?

A Distinguished Guest

Someone important is in town and they’re almost here. The tavern has to be at its best for this guest. After all, they might leave a generous tip.

NPC Sidequest


Anyone can play. Decide where you are when you encounter this sidequest. Are you in the tavern? Walking around town? On the road leading in? Other players can jump in, ask questions, add details, or play NPCs throughout the mini-game.

The Quest

This game has three scenes. If you already have a quest in mind, go straight to the scenes. You can also choose to pick a quest at random.

The three scenes are:

The initial request: What are they asking you to do? What is the situation?

Undertaking the quest: What are the obstacles along the way? You can ask other players for suggestions. How do you accomplish your task?

The return and reward: Do you come back exhausted? Triumphant? Irritated? What did they promise to give you in exchange for your help?

asks you to .

Now that you have your quest, work together to accomplish it. What obstacles will you experience along the way? How are you accomplishing the request?

Once it's completed, how do you return? Do you come back exhausted? Triumphant? Irritated? What did they promise to give you in exchange for your help? Will you accept it?

Wear & Tear


Anyone can play. As a group, decide what parts of the tavern need fixing and touching up, and what you’re adding to the tavern.

Working Together

Each player character picks a portion of the work and describes what's happening. Once each person has described a prompt, click 'Continue' to go to the next prompt:

  • Ask another player character for help. Describe how you combine one of your experiences with one of theirs to great effect.
  • As you’re working, you observe a townsperson or another player character. Describe what you learn from your observation. Create a new NPC for them, if necessary.
  • You’re completely in your element. Describe how you use an experience to get the work done lightning fast.
  • You come up with the perfect food or drink to give everyone some energy. What is it and what’s the secret ingredient?
  • You notice everyone flagging through a frustrating stretch of work. How do you lift everyone’s spirits?
  • Everyone loves your idea for a new addition to the tavern. They put you in charge, but you’re doubting your own ability to lead. Who gives you encouragement and how?

The next section of questions should be answered as a group.

  • What part of the renovation requires everyone to pitch in all at once?
  • You’re struggling to make progress, but you know exactly which townsperson to ask for help. How did you know they would be good at this? Create a new NPC for them, if necessary.
  • There was an accident and someone was hurt. Fortunately, it wasn’t life-threatening, but they definitely need to be patched up. Who helps them?
  • It’s time for a break and you think it would do everyone a world of good if they let off a little steam. What activity (cards, sparring, a ball game, a race, a funny face battle, etc.) do you suggest everyone participate in and how does it go?
  • You tell everyone you’ll treat them to food after the work is done at a well-loved spot in town. What is this place called? What is everyone planning on ordering?

All done!

Your tavern has been upgraded. Choose one of your Tavern ratings to increase by one.

Shields & Skillets

Enchantments are volatile things, especially when they sit unused for years. A long time ago, many retired adventurers died in tragic accidents caused by their old enchanted equipment. Homes were leveled, sometimes even whole towns. Many believed these disasters were caused by the curses an adventurer accumulated over their career.

Certain enchanters eventually realized the root of the problem, but they couldn’t separate the magical and physical on their own. It takes a high level of skill in both disciplines to disentangle the work that created such an item. This is why enchanters and blacksmiths often travel in pairs. One such pair has just arrived now.


Everyone plays. Each adventurer rolls a die. If the number on the die is even, they have an enchanted item. The player describes the item first. Then, each other adventurer recounts stories of how the item was used in the past. Tell at least one story for each item.

Stories from the Past

Need a suggestion for a story topic?

Letting Go

The enchanter and the blacksmith are ready. Once everyone has told their stories, the item’s owner tells the group how they got it in the first place.

For each weapon, flip a coin or roll a die.

Heads/Evens: The item is safely disenchanted. The blacksmith asks if you would like to forge it into something new. You gain a keepsake from what's created. Describe your new treasure.

Tails/Odds: Disaster is narrowly averted. There is very little of the item left to salvage. You gain a keepsake from what's left. What, if anything, do you choose to keep? How do you say goodbye?

Market Day

You never would have guessed how many things a tavern needs to operate on a day-to-day basis. It feels like you’re always at the market. In your previous life, you would have just thrown your coin at the nearest merchant to get what you needed.

But now that you’re tied down to one place, it’s not as easy to get everything. Buying something isn’t as straightforward as a simple transaction

Still, calling this place home has its advantages. A trader saves something special for you, or throws in a little something extra as thanks for your patronage, or for that favor you did them last time. It’s nice.


Anyone can play. Everyone rolls a die. If the die is even, you are a Merchant. If it's odd, you're a Shopper. There must be at least one of each.

Shoppers:What do you need for the tavern or for yourself? Is it difficult to find here, and if so, why?

Merchants:What sign, item of clothing, or other visual cue do you use to attract buyers?

The Exchange

For each item a Shopper needs, a Merchant can ask a question or ask for help. They may ask as many times as they want until they are satisfied. Choose your own question or

Browsing, Heading Home

Once all Shoppers have found everything they need, take a moment to look around the market. What do you treat yourself to? What items would be a good gift for another character?


There’s something special about using locally grown ingredients. You might have laughed at that before, but you can really notice a difference when you’re cooking the same dishes over and over again.

You’ve got some room for plants and animals, with plenty of magic and food scraps to spare. Why not try it out?


As a group, decide where to place your farm. The space can be inside your tavern, but it can also be somewhere relatively close.

You’ll also need to decide what you’re growing or keeping. Are you doing a little bit of both? What should you start with so you can harvest something soon?

If you've already played this game before, head out to your farm and assess how the growing's going since you were here last time.


Farming is messy, gross, and a far cry from the heroics of your adventuring days. As you work, there are quite a few unflattering incidents that occur. But at the end of the day, they’re all something you can laugh about together.

Take turns sharing funny or embarrassing stories of things that happened to your character on the farm. You can choose your own, or pick a random prompt below. Everyone playing should share at least one.


Your hard work pays off. The next time you play Wear and Tear, your Cuisine Rating goes up by one in addition to the upgrade you pick for Wear and Tear. What kind of dishes can you make now that you weren’t able to before?

Shelter from the Storm

Early one morning, you feel it. A familiar ache in your bones. Something is coming. As former adventurers, you took extra precautions when you started running the tavern. But there are plenty of people in town that aren’t ready. Can you help them in time?


Someone rushes into the tavern shouting. A calamity is approaching:

Create a new NPC from the messenger. Then, use the prompts to answer individually or as a group: What precautions did you take in and around the tavern? What old habits have you struggled to let go of?

  • Hiding your valuables in obscure places
  • Placing wards that are a mild inconvenience to those around you
  • Sleeping with one eye open
  • Hidden defenses that spring out of the walls
  • A secret signal you still remember
  • A divine favor
  • Retractable wheels or limbs

Weathering the Storm

Take turns protecting the tavern, the town, or the surrounding area. On your turn, draw an action and ask another adventurer to come with you. This is too big to handle alone.

Picking up the pieces


You can handle typical tavern food fine. You’ve got a very nice stew, great bread from a baker down the street, and plenty of ale. But sometimes, supply routes get disrupted. Or maybe you just want to stand out from the rest of the taverns. Whatever the reason, you want to do one thing: cook with monster parts.


One player is the Cook. The ingredients of your dish will be determined randomly when you click Ready to Cook.

Ingredient 1

Ingredient 2

Ingredient 3

The rest of the players now work together to describe the ingredients in detail and tell you a Highlight of each ingredient or a Difficulty that comes with cooking it.

Example highlights

  • If it’s cooked appropriately, it is incredibly juicy and tender.
  • It has the perfect amount of sweetness, and doesn’t overpower the dish.
  • It has an interesting texture, and provides variety to the dish.
  • It is almost impossible to cook wrong.
  • It is easy to add flavor to.
  • It pairs very well with a lot of other types of ingredients.
  • It’s the perfect garnish, adding a lot of complexity.
  • You can use it in multiple ways, even in the same dish.

Example difficulties

  • It burns easily if not watched carefully.
  • It dries out if overcooked.
  • It will look terrible if not prepared properly.
  • It is bitter if overcooked.
  • It is very easy to overseason.
  • It’s time-consuming to prepare.
  • It’s very delicate.
  • Eating too much of it gives you that heavy feeling in your gut.

Everyone but the Cook are now the first people to taste the new dish. It could be a small group of regulars and adventurers or a big tasting event. Each taster has something they want from this dish. Come up with something or use the prompts.